We acknowledge all First Peoples of this land and celebrate their enduring connections to Country, knowledge and stories. We pay our respects to Elders and Ancestors who watch over us and guide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
First Nations family and kinship systems may be confusing or complex to western societies, but they are a way of life for many of us.
Djinda Sports supports Blak athletes to excel in their careers.
An Arrernte mother speaks out on the re-introduction of spithoods and so called "diversion" methods in the NT.
August 14, 2024 marks 200 years since the declaration of Martial Law on Wiradjuri Country.
The more you believe in yourself the more powerful you become.
There’s this extraordinary light that sits within each and every young person – where if you take the time, you get the privilege to witness.
Learn more about the history of the colony and the affects it has had on First Nations people here.
If you want to know more about what National NAIDOC Week means and the history behind it, this article is for you.
Learn more about language with Lala Gutchen – Meuram woman from Erub Island in the Torres Strait.
Common Ground is adopting a new strategy based on learnings developed over five years of operation. This strategy places First Nations communities and the power of storytelling at the centre of our work.