Our story

Common Ground exists to bring connection, truth and deeper understanding through storytelling.
Australia is built on a story that ignores its true history. We face many challenges, but ignore many of the solutions that First Nations people hold.
Since 1788, Australia has been largely shaped and governed by colonial narratives and systems of power. These systems do not consider First Nations voices and solutions. The work we do at Common Ground is about changing these systems so they centre First Nations ways of thinking, being and knowing.
‘Systems’ are the large, broad parts of something – rather than the individual, one-on-one aspects. When we talk about ‘systems’ of society we are talking about the processes, institutions or structures that shape the way we live. Like government, education, media, business, the legal system and dominating societal norms. These systems are shaped by the narratives and mindsets that people hold.
Our world was (and continues to be) colonised through storytelling. Stories have the potential to divide us, but they also have the power to strengthen connection and community.
– rona glynn-mcdonald
The consciousness of wider Australia is shifting. More and more people understand that they have missed out on the opportunity to learn from and connect with First Nations people and cultures.
Common Ground launched in 2019 with a website bringing together First Nations knowledge, cultures and stories. We have continued to evolve as a place of storytelling and education, to create opportunities for First Nations people to be authors on our terms.
We create content and educational resources. We work with First Nations communities to record old stories in new ways. We develop strategic partnerships in different systems to deliver unique and impactful projects.
First Nations people are the original storytellers, and Common Ground is building on a journey 80,000 years in the making.