Blak Excellence at Groovin The Moo

Barkaa by Cole Baxter
June 6, 2023
July 9, 2024
Last Updated
June 6, 2023
Written by
Cole Baxter
Written by
Written by
Jhi Clarke
Yawuru and Nyul Nyul
Written by
Yawuru and Nyul Nyul
Written by

Noongar photographer, Cole Baxter, and Yawuru and Nyul Nyul artist, Jhi Clarke, collaborated on Wardandi Noongar Country to capture moments of Blak excellence at Groovin The Moo.

Uncle Peter Hill

Welcoming us to the Wardandi section of the Noongar Nation, Uncle Peter Hill ensured all the gatherers felt safe on his beautiful Country. Thank you to uncle Peter for the warm welcome and kick starting the festival on the right foot.


Relaxed, fun and staunch are words you don’t often hear used together, but Barkaa epitomised them all in her crowd-elevating performance. Setting the trend of justice and change at Groovin The Moo is what everyone needed a slice of, and Barkaa delivered the goods. With her wicked fluro nails and 90’s rap queen style, Barkaa didn’t just stir motivation for the mob in the crowd, but schooled all Groovin-The-Mooers about Blak issues and injustices through her lyrics. As her last performance for the Groovin The Moo circuit, you wouldn’t know it as her passion translated into pure energy through the mic.

South Summit

South Summit are providing a fresh sound to the eclectic genres of indie, psychedelic and surf rock. Starting off Groovin The Moo strong with the energy to get a sizable crowd ready for the day, South Summit already have the makings of a headlining act. Not a beat was missed for this up-and-coming young crew who now look to popularise the small niche of Blak artists in alternative music. The loyalty and adore from the crowd gave off “I knew this band before they were famous" vibes and with a group as entertaining and polished as South Summit, this may turn out to be a legitimate foreshadowing.

5 min
5 min
5 min