Heal Country Resource

July 8, 2021
July 9, 2024
Last Updated
June 5, 2023
Written by
The Common Ground Team
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Heal Country was the 2021 theme for NAIDOC Week. It is also an important idea for all people to think about, learn about and practice.

The theme calls for us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, waters, sacred sites and cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction.⁠

To celebrate NAIDOC Week and the importance of Country, Common Ground has created a resource for primary school teachers. The resource will help teachers and students to learn about and reflect on Country. It includes curriculum links, background information and activities.

It includes three sections: Knowing Country, Connecting to Country and Protecting Country.

Download the resource below.

5 min
5 min
5 min